Revitalizing Comfort: Our Success Story of Central Furnace Repair in Lancaster

At Relaxed Heating & Air Inc., we take pride in our ability to transform discomfort into comfort, especially when it comes to heating systems. We're not just a team of HVAC technicians; we're problem solvers, dedicated to making homes more comfortable and energy-efficient. This is the story of one such transformation that took place in a quaint family home nestled within the heart of Lancaster.

When the Heat Went Out in Lancaster

Our customer, Margalit, was facing a power failure with her RPJ central furnace. The chilling winter temperatures were starting to seep into her home, and she needed immediate assistance. Her home warranty company referred her to us, knowing our reputation for fast service and customer satisfaction.

The Diagnosis: A Failing Furnace

Upon arrival at Margalit's home, we immediately set to work diagnosing the problem. The RPJ furnace was nestled away in the garage, a typical setup for many homes in Los Angeles County. After a thorough inspection, we identified two main issues: a faulty hot surface igniter and a deficient run capacitor.

Breathing New Life into an Old Furnace

Our team replaced the hot surface igniter and run capacitor 5 mfd. But we didn't stop there. To ensure Margalit wouldn't face any unexpected surprises down the line, we also performed routine maintenance on both the burner section and blower motor section of the furnace. We noticed that there was no sediment trap installed – an essential component for preventing debris from clogging up the system. So, we promptly installed one as part of our comprehensive service.

Immediate Results and Long-term Benefits

The results were immediate: Margalit's heating system was back online, now running more quietly and efficiently than before. But beyond just fixing the immediate problem, our services provided several long-term benefits:

  • Improved reliability: With routine maintenance and necessary repairs done, Margalit could count on her heating system to function reliably throughout winter.
  • Lower maintenance costs: By addressing small issues before they became major problems – like installing a missing sediment trap – we helped reduce potential future repair costs.
  • Improved air comfort: A well-maintained heating system provides consistent warmth throughout the house.
  • Lower energy costs: An efficient system uses less energy to heat your home, reducing utility bills.

A Testament to Our Expertise and Dedication

This successful project serves as another testament to our expertise and dedication as HVAC contractors with over 15 years of experience under our belts. We are proud of our ability to provide high-quality furnace repair services in Lancaster, always ensuring that every job is done right – no shortcuts or half-measures. With our BBB accreditation backing us up, you can rest assured that we are committed to integrity and excellent customer service. Our customers choose us not only because of our competitive rates but also because they know they can trust us with their homes' comfort. At Relaxed Heating & Air Inc., we believe everyone deserves a warm, comfortable home – especially during those chilly winter months. If you're experiencing any issues with your heating system or need routine maintenance performed, don't hesitate to give us a call at +1 818-901-0250 – let us bring you the comfort you deserve!