Revitalizing Home Comfort: Our Success Story in Los Angeles HVAC Service

At Relaxed Heating & Air Inc., we are not just in the business of fixing and installing heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems; we are in the business of restoring comfort and peace of mind. Recently, we had the privilege of demonstrating our commitment to this mission when we were called upon by a homeowner named Robert in Los Angeles. His central air conditioning system was not providing enough cooling and the air quality was low.

Understanding the Challenge

When we arrived at Robert's family home, we quickly realized that his central air conditioning system was not performing optimally due to a faulty capacitor. The lack of proper insulation was also contributing to the poor air quality and insufficient cooling. To make matters worse, the drain line needed remodeling and there were no lockable service caps installed.

Our Solution

Given these issues, our experienced technicians recommended a comprehensive solution that involved replacing the capacitor, installing insulation, conducting a chemical condenser cleaning, remodeling the drain line and installing lockable service caps. All these measures were designed to restore the efficiency and reliability of Robert's central air conditioning system.

Replacing the Capacitor

The capacitor is an essential component in an AC system as it provides the initial boost needed to start the motor and continues to supply power throughout its operation. Replacing Robert's faulty capacitor was therefore crucial to restoring his AC's performance.

Installing Insulation

Insulation plays a vital role in maintaining indoor temperature by reducing heat transfer between inside and outside of your house. By installing new insulation in Robert's home, we were able to significantly improve his home's energy efficiency and comfort.

Chemical Condenser Cleaning

Over time, dirt and debris can accumulate on the condenser coils affecting their ability to release heat from your AC system. A chemical condenser cleaning was conducted to ensure optimal performance of Robert’s AC unit.

Remodeling Drain Line & Installing Lockable Service Caps

We also remodeled Robert's drain line with an installed air gap for better drainage. Additionally, we installed lockable service caps for added security and protection against refrigerant leaks.

The Result: Improved Comfort & Peace of Mind

By end of day, we had successfully revitalized Robert's central air conditioning system. The results were immediate – improved reliability, better air quality, increased comfort – all within his family home located on Tivoli Avenue in Los Angeles. Robert was referred to us by his home warranty company – a testament to our reputation as trusted Los Angeles HVAC service providers. His satisfaction with our work reaffirms our commitment to delivering top-notch HVAC services that not only meet but exceed our customers' expectations. At Relaxed Heating & Air Inc., we believe that everyone deserves a comfortable living environment regardless of where they live or what type of property they own. That is why we offer flexible payment options along with our high-quality services delivered by fully licensed and qualified technicians. Whether you need HVAC service in Los Angeles County, or are looking for reliable heating or cooling solutions elsewhere in California, you can count on us at Relaxed Heating & Air Inc.. We bring over 15 years experience into every project undertaking ensuring that your HVAC needs are met with professionalism, expertise and dedication. For more information about our services or if you would like to schedule an appointment with one of our technicians, please call us at +1 818-901-0250 today!