Revitalizing Air Quality in Los Angeles: A Success Story of Goodman A/C Maintenance Service

At Relaxed Heating & Air Inc., our commitment is to ensure your comfort, no matter the season. Based in Los Angeles County, we have been serving our customers with top-notch HVAC services for over 15 years. We believe that every project has a unique story to tell, and today, we'd like to share one such success story.

A Day with a Difference

One sunny day, we received a call from Julio, a homeowner residing in Los Angeles. He was referred to us by his home warranty company. His central air conditioning system, a Goodman model, was not performing up to par. The air quality had significantly dropped causing discomfort for his family. He needed immediate assistance.

Diagnosing the Problem

Our team of fully licensed and qualified technicians arrived at Julio's house the same day. After careful examination, they found that the condenser coils required an acid wash and the refrigeration line lacked UV protection insulation – both contributing to low air quality and high energy costs.

The Solution

As experts in HVAC maintenance in Los Angeles, we knew exactly what needed to be done. We started by performing a thorough acid wash of the condenser coils. This process helps remove any buildup that could be hindering the unit's performance. Next, we installed UV protection insulation on the refrigeration line. This step is often overlooked but can make a significant difference in prolonging the life of an AC unit and improving its efficiency.

A Successful Outcome

The results were immediate and impressive! Not only did Julio notice an improvement in air quality but also a decrease in his energy bills. Our Goodman A/C maintenance service ensured improved reliability, lower maintenance costs, better air quality, and lower energy costs.

  • Improved Reliability: Regular maintenance helps prevent unexpected breakdowns, ensuring your AC system is always ready when you need it most.
  • Lower Maintenance Costs: By catching issues early on during regular maintenance checks, you can avoid costly repairs down the line.
  • Better Air Quality: A well-maintained AC system filters out pollutants effectively, providing you with cleaner air to breathe indoors.
  • Lower Energy Costs: An efficient AC system requires less energy to cool your home, resulting in lower utility bills.

A Testament to Our Service

Julio's satisfaction with our work is a testament to our commitment towards providing exceptional HVAC services across Los Angeles County. In conclusion, this success story underlines our dedication as an HVAC contractor in Los Angeles. We are easy to reach at +1 818-901-0250 and offer flexible payment options tailored to your needs. Remember us for any heating or cooling needs; we're here to ensure your comfort!

-Relaxed Heating & Air Inc.